The family appeal

Cathal O’Rourke of Laing O’Rourke‘s quote regarding Craig’s tragic death illustrates the high level of regard and personal affection this large international company have for Craig, and how much his death has touched so many people.

Laing O’Rourke have provided close support for Craig’s family since the day he was killed and have financially backed his family’s search for the truth, engaging various experts to support the family-focused appeal.

A year after his death on18th/19th May 2013, Craig’s mum and dad returned to Lloret de Mar to launch this appeal, which consists of a multilingual poster campaign linked to a high-profile multilingual social networking and media strategy, plus access to a Spanish Lawyer and other experts.

The Mossos d’Esquadra (the Spanish police), The British Consul in Spain and the local Lloret de Mar community have been supportive of bioth the appeal’s work and the ongoing review of the case, which they hope will assist to bring Craig’s killer to justice.


The Craig Mallon Facebook appeal, which has reached millions of people throughout the world, continues to generate awareness and provide detailed information about the progress of the appeal.

There have been some very touching, supportive and caring comments added to the Facebook appeal site, which means a lot to Craig’s family. These comments also illustrate the level of concern that no person has been traced for killing him.

The vital piece of information about who killed Craig has still not been received. However, there has been worthwhile information supplied to the appeal’s dedicated email address which has been shared with the Spanish authorities.

People who remembered Craig and his friends in Rockefellers Disco Bar have also come forward with information, which is helping to piece together the events prior to Craig’s death.

For example, Angela Shaw, who was with seven friends from the UK in the resort, contacted the appeal to say:

 “My friends and I were in Rockefellers that night and had left before Craig died, however, we contacted Craig’s appeal as we understand how small bits of information could assist the bigger picture.

We have given some information which on the face of it may not seem important, but will assist in piecing together the events that night and maybe help identify other potential people like us.

Please, as Antoinette said on the appeal site, if you were in Rockefellers or the area where Craig died, please message the appeal site or contact the confidential email address. There must be loads of people who have some information. Please do what we did and come forward.”

There will be lots of similar people to Angela and her friends, who hopefully will read this site and get in touch.

Every small piece of information is relevant to assist the investigation.

All information is treated in strictest confidence

  • You may have information you are not comfortable putting in an email for various reasons and that is understandable
  • The main aim is to find out who killed Craig and there are ways information can be treated as ‘intelligence’ with the source of the information protected
  • If you are not comfortable putting information in an email, please send your contact number to [email protected] and the family’s specialist advisor, who understands how to deal with and protect such information, will call you directly